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Gaming Trends 2010

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2010 was full o' video game trends. Call of Duty: Black Ops sold 5.6 million copies in one day and new motion control systems let gamers get right into the action. Social games and digital downloaded also enjoyed a boom in popularity. Here's a quick rundown of 2010's biggest games. You might find something you like this year. You don't have to follow the latest trends, there are many classics you can still play this year.

Social games

The growth of social games is expected to continue apace in 2010, as more users turn to these apps. There are many solutions available to advertisers and publishers. Although it can be difficult for social games to succeed, numbers of players and market growth are key indicators. This article will be focused on three social game trends that are expected to dominate 2010.

PUBG mobile

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds has been a popular game for a while. The battle royale video game, which was originally launched on the PC, is now available on mobile platforms. The new version is free to download and can be played by anyone with a smartphone. It has been a huge draw for gamers, earning $7 billion in four years.

games for computer


PUBG, pronounced "play-unknown-battle-grounds," was released in 2017. It is currently available for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. You can also get the game on Android. Bluehole, the game developer, claims that it has over one million players. Here are some reasons you should try PUBG. There's also the Lite edition for those with basic computers.

God of War

Some people were skeptical of God of War’s graphics but the game is an excellent choice for gamers seeking a new adventure. The game features addictive hackandslash gameplay with massive boss battles as well new concepts. The game takes place on a 3D mammoth planet. You play the role of Kratos, a god of war, as your battle your way across the nine realms. A compass can be used to locate enemies away from the screen.

Dead Rising 2

Dead Rising 2 is an action-adventure video game developed by Blue Castle Games and published by Capcom. It was released in September and October 2010 for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Windows platforms. Dead Rising 2 is the sequel to the critically acclaimed Dead Rising and the second game in the popular series. It features a fresh storyline, more enemies and a different ending than the original game. To stop the zombie outbreak, players will have to return to their towns.

VR gaming

VR gaming has been a hot topic in 2010 thanks to the release of new games such as Skyrim. This was the first title that felt like a console game in a VR headset. The game is highly addictive and offers plenty of motion from a fixed position. It is easy to see why it has become the top VR app. Despite this, there were some notable failings.

online games


OnLive promises to revolutionize game gaming. The service has its limitations. It's very expensive. You'll pay $15 per month for a subscription and extra money for games. You'll also have to pay for movies and social networking features. That said, the service is more convenient than ever before. What can you expect from the service?


Zynga 2010 Gaming has a troubled past with many controversies around its business model. The company made money through their games but they were also criticised for their lead generation marketing schemes that allegedly enrolled users into unnecessary software and recurring payments. Mark Pincus (Zynga CEO) announced reforms in Zynga’s offer-generation practices in November 2009. These included a ban against Tatto Media. Softbank, Google and other banks also invested $300 Million in the company.


Why is cooling so important in gaming PCs

It is important to keep your computer cool if you plan to play PC games. This is because computers run hot when they are running for long periods of time. Many gamers also tend to keep their computers plugged in a while playing, so they can easily burn out their power supplies. When this happens, the fans inside the computer stop working, and the computer overheats. This makes it unusable for a while until it cools again.

There are many options to keep your computer cool. An aftermarket cooler is one option. These coolers are available in a variety of sizes and shapes. Some coolers include a fan built right in. Liquid cooling systems are another option, but they require additional equipment. However, both of these types of coolers are more expensive than traditional air-cooling units. Another option is to get a new box, since most cases already have air-cooling units.

A water-cooling device is another option. This cooler uses a pump that circulates cold water throughout the computer. This requires some maintenance. This may make it less worthwhile.

The best way to cool your computer is to invest in a quality air-cooler. There are plenty of models available on the market today. Choose one that will fit your computer and its dimensions. You should also ensure that the unit you choose is compatible with your motherboard.

What are Crypto Games exactly?

A crypto game refers to a digital currency built on blockchain technology. This allows users to play with virtual currencies, instead of real cash. The virtual currencies are encrypted and cannot be accessed except by the owner. These coins can be used to purchase items in the game.

The most popular type of crypto game is called "Mining" where players compete against each other to solve complex puzzles and earn rewards for solving them. A reward is given to the player who successfully solves the puzzle. This system allows for a chain of transactions to be made between different players.

Crypto games have become very popular among gamers because they allow them to enjoy playing without worrying about losing money. They allow people to test new ideas and come up with new ways of doing the same thing in a safe environment.

Do I need to be connected to the internet to play?

No! Many people believe that to play online games, they must connect to the internet. However, this is not true. All you need to do is install a game once, and you can play it without ever connecting to the web again.

This feature, called "Always-On" mode, is activated when the game starts. The game automatically downloads new updates and patches as soon as they become available. This means you don't have to worry about updating or downloading patches.

Which console is better for online multiplayer?

Both consoles are capable of accessing the internet via their excellent online capabilities. However, Xbox Live is far better than Sony Playstation Network. In fact, Xbox Live allows you to play against players around the globe. This can be done at any moment.

PlayStation Network won't let you play online if you aren't within a certain distance of a particular location. This makes playing online less convenient.


  • Rural areas that are still 100% cable may continue to experience peak hour slowdowns, however. (highspeedinternet.com)
  • But if he shows something like a 4, 5, or 6, you can stand on pretty much anything because it's likely he will go on to bust. (edge.twinspires.com)
  • Estimates range from 505 million peak daily players[10]to over 1 billion total players.[11][12] The free-to-play mobile version accounts for 97% of players. (en.wikipedia.org)
  • If you were planning on getting Game Pass Ultimate anyway, All Access basically represents 0% financing plus a small Game Pass discount. (nytimes.com)

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How To

How to become an expert gamer

You must start playing games to become a pro gamer. Next, you need to become proficient at playing them. The third step is to find out what you really like doing. And finally, the fourth step is to make money from your hobby.

You should learn the basics of video game play before you attempt to play professionally. It is important to practice until you are proficient in the fundamentals of game mechanics such as shooting, dodging and jumping. After you've learned the basics, you can try other types of games. Explore action, strategy and sports games as well as puzzle and role-playing games. Play as many different games as possible until you find the one that you like. You can make money playing games online by reading our guide.

You may be able make money streaming the gameplay of other gamers if you have previous experience with video games. Many websites allow you to stream games for free. These include Twitch and YouTube Gaming.

Once you've mastered all the basics, the next stage is to discover what you are most passionate about. Do you prefer strategy games? Action games? Shooters? Platformers? Role-playing games? Puzzle games? Sports games? Whatever your favorite genre, you have to decide what you are most passionate about.

You can also browse for new games. There are many digital download stores that you can use to purchase games for your computer, Mac, Android or iOS device.

Once you have a clear idea of what you enjoy doing, you can start to make money with it. How can you make your hobby a profession? This guide will help you make money by gaming.


Gaming Trends 2010